Performing mathematical operations on complex numbers by overloading operators (+= , -=, etc.) to work with two "Complex number objects" (or just one depending on the operation).Explanation:
In C++ it is possible to overload mathematical operators. The syntax in the code below will get you started. Also check out learncpp.com chapter 9 for a more in depth look.
I have posted below three files required by my professor.
Complex Class (.cpp)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "Complex.h"
using namespace std;
//Global variables
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
string t = "True";
string f = "False";
//Default (NoArgs) Constructor
:a(0), b(0)
//One arg Constructor
Complex::Complex(double &a )
:a(0), b(0)
(*this).a = a;
//Two arg Constructor
Complex::Complex(double &a, double &b )
:a(0), b(0)
(*this).a = a;
(*this).b = b;
//Accessor Functions
double Complex::getA()
{return a;}
double Complex::getB()
{return b;}
//Add 2 Complex numbers together
Complex & ::addCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp)
temp.a = com1.a;
temp.b = com1.b;
temp += com2;
return temp;
//Subtract 1 Complex number from another
Complex & ::subCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp)
temp.a = com1.a;
temp.b = com1.b;
temp -= com2;
return temp;
//Multiply 2 Complex numbers together
Complex & ::mulCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp)
temp.a = com1.a;
temp.b = com1.b;
temp *= com2;
return temp;
//divide 1 Complex number by another
Complex & ::divCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp){
temp.a = com1.a;
temp.b = com1.b;
temp /= com2;
return temp;
//Assign the value of one Complex number to another
Complex & ::assign(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp){
com2 = com1;
temp = com2;
return temp;
//Check for equality
string & ::isEqual(Complex & com1, Complex & com2){
if( com1 == com2){
return t;
return f;
//Check for inequality
string & ::isNotEqual(Complex & com1, Complex & com2){
if( com1 != com2){
return t;
return f;
//Absolute value of a Complex number
Complex & ::absolute(Complex & com1, Complex & temp){
temp.a = abs(com1.a);
temp.b = abs(com1.b);
return temp;
//Operator overload = for Complex Numbers
void Complex::operator = (Complex & c)
(*this).a = c.a;
(*this).b = c.b;
//Operator overload += for Complex Numbers
void Complex::operator += (Complex & c)
(*this).a += c.a;
(*this).b += c.b;
//Operator overload -= for Complex Numbers
void Complex::operator -= (Complex & c)
(*this).a -= c.a;
(*this).b -= c.b;
//Operator overload *= for Complex Numbers
void Complex ::operator *= (Complex & c){
double temp = (*this).a;
(*this).a = ((*this).a*c.a) - ((*this).b*c.b);
(*this).b = (((*this).b)*(c.a) + (temp)*c.b);
//Operator overload /= for Complex Numbers
void Complex ::operator /= (Complex & c){
double temp = (*this).a;
(*this).a = (((*this).a*c.a) + ((*this).b*c.b)) / ((c.a * c.a) + (c.b* c.b));
(*this).b = (((*this).b*c.a) - ((temp)*c.b)) / ((c.a * c.a) + (c.b* c.b));
//Operator overload << for Complex Numbers
ostream & operator << (ostream & out, Complex & c)
out << "(" << c.getA()
<< ", " << c.getB()
<< ")" ;
return out;
//Operator overload == for Complex Numbers
bool operator == (Complex & l, Complex & r){
if( l.a == r.a && l.b == r.b){
return true;
return false;
//Operator overload != for Complex Numbers
bool operator != (Complex & l, Complex & r){
if( l.a != r.a && l.b != r.b){
return true;
return false;
Class test (.cpp)
#include "Complex.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(){
double a = 1.00;
double b = -2.00;
double c = 3.00;
double d = 4.00;
double e = -4.00;
double f = 2.00;
double zed = 0;
//Instantiation of Complex number objects
Complex complexNoArgs;
Complex complexOneArg(a);
Complex complexTwoArgs(a, b);
Complex c1(a, b);
Complex c2(c, b);
Complex c3(a,f);
Complex c4(c,b);
Complex temp(zed,zed);
//output stream
//precision of 2 decimal places and using fixed
cout << "The constructor with no arguments produces " << fixed << complexNoArgs <<endl;
cout << "The constructor with one arguments produces " << fixed << complexOneArg <<endl;
cout << "The constructor with two arguments produces " << fixed << complexTwoArgs <<endl;
cout << c1 << " + " << c2 << " = " << fixed << addCom(c1, c2, temp) <<endl;
cout << c1 << " - " << c3 << " = " << fixed << subCom(c1, c3, temp) <<endl;
cout << c1 << " * " << c4 << " = " << fixed << mulCom(c1, c4, temp) <<endl;
cout << c1 << " / " << c4 << " = " << fixed << divCom(c1, c4, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed << ", the result of c2 = c1 is c2 = " << fixed << assign(c1, c2, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If we now test c1 == c2 the result is " << isEqual(c1, c2) <<endl;
cout << "If we now test c1 != c2 the result is " << isNotEqual(c1, c2) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed <<" and c4 = " << c4 << fixed << " and we calculate c1 += c4, then c1 = " << addCom(c1, c4, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed <<" and c3 = " << c3 << fixed << " and we calculate c1 -= c3, then c1 = " << subCom(c1, c3, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed <<" and c4 = " << c4 << fixed << " and we calculate c1 *= c4, then c1 = " << mulCom(c1, c4, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed <<" and c4 = " << c4 << fixed << " and we calculate c1 /= c4, then c1 = " << divCom(c1, c4, temp) <<endl;
cout << "If c1 = " << c1 << fixed <<" then abs(c1) is " << absolute(c1, temp) <<endl;
Header file Complex.h
#ifndef COMPLEX_H
#define COMPLEX_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Complex
// output operator
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & out, Complex & c);
friend Complex & addCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp);
friend Complex & subCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp);
friend Complex & mulCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp);
friend Complex & divCom(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp);
friend Complex & assign(Complex & com1, Complex & com2, Complex & temp);
friend string & isEqual(Complex & com1, Complex & com2);
friend string & isNotEqual(Complex & com1, Complex & com2);
friend Complex & absolute(Complex & com1, Complex & temp);
Complex(); //Default Constructor
Complex(double & a); //One argument
Complex(double & a , double & b); //Two argument
//accessor functions
double getA();
double getB();
// comparison operators
friend bool operator == (Complex & l, Complex & r); // equality
friend bool operator != (Complex & l, Complex & r); // inequality
//Assignment Operators
void operator = (Complex & c);
void operator += (Complex & c);
void operator -= (Complex & c);
void operator *= (Complex & c);
void operator /= (Complex & c);
// data fields
double a; // x value
double b; // y value
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