Thursday, September 27, 2012

Conditional Compound Form

Conditional Compound Form mnemonic:

 p  → q (p, then q or p implies q)

Idea: Think of p being a man and q being the woman, who happen to be dancing. The First leads the second so the man leads the woman.   Only time when  p → q is false: "When p is true and q is false, both are falsely doing the waltz."

  • Meaning  p→ q is false.

When  p→ q is vacuously true: "When p is false, it doesn't matter to q--they are vacuously true.
  • When p and q are dancing and p isn't doing the dance right, regardless of if q is doing the dance right or wrong  p→ q is true.

Caveat:In order for this mnemonic to work you have to know both.

Additional Note: When p and q are both true  p→ q is true.

Truth Table:(From wikipedia)

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